Thursday, August 28, 2008

California Mitchell Clan

Our summer fun was playing at the beach, visiting family and friends, and swimming lessons. It is like summer year round here in San Diego!

We saw Dark Knight at the drive in but have not seen any others since it is too expensive and we have a little baby. We love Netflix!

T.V. so addicting and timewasting. But yet you can't tear your eyes away from it.... :)

A mirror to blind the penguins, honey to pour at their feet so they can't run, and a blanket to throw over them.

Night, because we are night owls and the kids are somewhat quiet or at least half of them are.
Loud, because with 4 kids it is that way whether you like it or not.
Barefeet, less mess
Soft, love my bed and so does everyone else!
Delayed, which is hard in our instant gratification world
Texas, it is where our families are!

Your turn!! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cottle family updates

It is about time we get back in contact with everyone so this is a great opportunity to let you know what the Cottle's have been doing.
1. Have you done anything fun this summer? If so, then what did you do?
We have had a memorable time this summer living in New York. We are going to miss the fast pace and adventures. We are about to head back home to Utah. We've been to Central Park, The Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Ground Zero, Battery Park, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Beach. It has been a ton of fun.Manhattan Rocks and Long Island isn't too bad either.
What is the best movie you've seen in the last year?
Jon says Transformers, because he still sleeps with his Optimus Prime pillow case from when he was a kid. I say any movie we get to go to at a theater is awesome :)

In your oppinion what modern convenience should never have been invented?
A Modern convenience that never should have been invented would be the Blue Tooth headset. I hate when you are in a store and someone is talking so you look over and they look like they are talking to them self until you see the little gadget in their ear.
If you were being attacked by killer penguins and you only had 3 household items to protect yourself what 3 items would they be and why?
We say, a greased cookie sheet, to toboggan our way out of danger. A bra, so Jon could sling snow balls at high velocity. Last, the ipod and dock so we can play music and dance. (Because everyone knows that once the rhythm starts penguins can't help but tap along)

Also, pick one of each of these:
Our family loves Sweets
I prefer the mornings in the summer and the nights in the winter that is when Jon is home
Quiet time; it is the only time I get anything done
Plain, who needs the fluff
Barefeet for me, Jon needs his socks. I'd beat him in a barefoot race any day :)
Soft, I love to sleep
I am an Instant girl. I hang my pictures on wet paint because I can't wait to see the outcome
I love Texas it is where Jon and I met :)
Sweet or Savory
Morning or Night
Quiet or Loud
Fancy or Plain
Barefeet or Socks
Hard or Soft
Delayed or Instant Gratification
Texas or not-Texas

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Have you done anything fun this summer?
I've gone to the pool a lot with Jacob. He loves splashing, so it's fun to watch him. Josh and I just went to The Melting Pot for our anniversary, and that was yummy. Also, we went to watch Kidd Kraddick in the Morning (the radio show) a couple of times. They crack me up.

What is the best movie you've seen in the last year?
Enchanted. I love that movie! I watched it like 4 times in 4 days. Then I had to give it back to my parents. Alas...

In your oppinion what modern convenience should never have been invented?
Texting. I think it's stupid. Yes, I know this makes me totally un-cool. And I understand that sometimes it's much more convienient. But seriously???? Since when did it become okay to ask people out on dates that way? Not that this happened to me. It happened to Jaclyn. But anyway, it's way over done by these crazy youngin's.

If you were being attacked by killer penguins and you only had 3 household items to protect yourself what 3 items would they be and why?
A large freezer, a drill, and some fish sticks. I'd throw the fish sticks as far away from me as I could. Then I'd run into the freezer (drill in hand). Once safely inside, I'd use the drill to make some air holes.

Also, pick one of each of these:

Sweet or Savory Savory
Morning or Night Night
Quiet or Loud Loud (it's way too quiet in my house, being a stay at home mommy with a baby that doesn't talk)
Fancy or Plain Plain
Barefeet or Socks Barefeet (though I do love my crazy socks)
Hard or Soft Soft
Delayed or Instant Gratification It depends on how gratifying the gratification will be. I'd pick which ever one would make better and more lasting gratification.
Texas or not-Texas Is that even a question??? Who in their right mind would choose Not-Texas???????

What's up?

It's been a while since we've heard from many of our numbers so I decided its time to get the ball rolling. Everyone (who wants to) can answer the following questions in a new post:

Have you done anything fun this summer? If so, then what did you do?

What is the best movie you've seen in the last year?

In your oppinion what modern convenience should never have been invented?

If you were being attacked by killer penguins and you only had 3 household items to protect yourself what 3 items would they be and why?

Also, pick one of each of these:

Sweet or Savory
Morning or Night
Quiet or Loud
Fancy or Plain
Barefeet or Socks
Hard or Soft
Delayed or Instant Gratification
Texas or not-Texas

Any fun pictures that you may have would be great, too!