Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's a boy!

We've finally determined we're going to have a little Benjamin Franklin Farrer. The echo tech at the hospital where I work did an ultrasound last week for me, and the kid actually cooperated. Clarke and I have done some travelling recently. First, we went to Utah for his sister's wedding at the Manti temple. We also got to see his brother's five day old baby boy. Clarke loved holding his little nephew and can't wait to hold his own little baby. Right now, I'm having fun getting kicked in the ribs. I can no longer wear my wedding ring, and my ankles swell up frequently. I'm not quite ready to have the baby yet, but give me another month of this hot weather, and I'm sure I'll change my mind. We were in Dallas this last weekend for Fathers' Day and Clarke's sister's wedding reception. It was great to see some of you at my baby shower too. I wish we could come up to Dallas more often, but I'm afraid it will be less often after the baby is born. Anyone is welcome to stop by if they are ever in the College Station area (or heading down to the Houston area-we aren't that far off the path).


Shauna said...

Fun pictures! It was great to see you and have some time to chat! Good luck with the heat of summer! Do you have access to a pool? That's how I survived. Although I just realized that's because I had Nathan too. I probably wouldn't have ventured out in a swimsuit if I hadn't needed to wear him out! But the water feels great and takes some of the weight off your back!

Kayla said...

Bethany! I'm so sad that I missed out on all the fun! I hope that everything is going well for you!

Lindsey said...

Wow... sounds like much excitement in the whole Farrer Family! YAY for a boy!! I'm SO sorry that I didn't make it to your baby shower. :( I had every intention to, but the morning of was rather hectic here and I ran out of time to get there. Would have loved to see you and your cute pregnant belly! Glad you had a good time, though. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!