Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jon's Graduated

I was told to post pictures so here is a few fun photos of Jon and I. I forgot to mention previously one minor note about Jon. HE'S GRADUATED!!!! A Large Hurray for Him. The others are of my first trip to downtown Manhattan. For Melissa's interest Heidi was 9 months pregnant and wanted to go to the show. She's in the blue shirt on the left. She has since had the baby and both are doing great it's her second. Anywhoo Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Heidi as in Heidi Wheiler Fransen? She doesn't even look pregnant in the photo! (I mean, there _is_ a sign in front, but she looks tiny as ever.)

Sounds/looks like you guys are enjoying NY. I'm glad! Please continue to keep us posted.
