Monday, November 3, 2008


Great idea Kayla! (I love Halloween and I would really love to see all of your ideas!)

I guess I never did the family update/introductory post. The last time I saw most of you was at BYU. Since then, I served a mission in South Africa and met Dustinn (handsome guy above) a few weeks after I returned. Now we live just outside of Washington D.C. He's a management consultant and his current client is the DOD. (In the 3 years we've been married, we've moved inter-State eight times. It was really exciting at first but now we are happy that we get to stay put for the next 2 years. Btw, if you want to see D.C., we love visitors!) Dustinn is actually a native Texan, just from the other side of Grapevine Lake.
I've often thought about how fortunate we (girls) were to grow up with such phenominal, faithful, respectful guys like Jared Deter, Jon Cottle, the Mitchells, the Hinckleys, Ben Hewett, Ezra Hood, Jason Weaver, Brett Spjut, etc. The bar had been set high. When I met Dustinn I knew that he was that quality of man. He is good through and through.
Last but not least, our first child (the chubby, handsome little guy above) is named Bradshaw. He is 13 months old and loves to talk to everyone and everything.
Anyway, Jacksons...Meet the Jacksons, They're a modern stoneage family. From the town of Bedrock, They're a page right out of history.


Kayla said...

Too cute! I love the little Bam-bam club!
No I don't know the gender and won't for a long time. I'm only 9 weeks along, but I look at least 4 months pregnant in profile!

Shauna said...

Yabba-dabba-doo! You guys look awesome! I love you're hair! Was it a wig, or did you spray it red? I love doing the theme costumes for the whole family, but it hasn't worked out for the past few years... my kids have opinions now... shoot!

Scott said...

Val, I am so excited to see your post and learn about your family. We lived "outside DC" for several years...south in VA. There's a lot of cool opportunities in the area. I hope you keep posting and maybe we'll see you here in TX sometime.
(Susan Paulson...not Scott!)

MissE said...

Cute fam.! Love the costumes! I love your blog entry too. I totally agree, we did grow up with some awesome guys. Good call! I went to D.C. once. It was big and scary!!!