Monday, April 14, 2008

I never thought I would be contributing to a Blog

I finally gave in I decided to join in on the updates.

After spending two years in Washington, Lisa and I are now in Idaho Falls, Idaho. We were trying to get to Texas, but I think we can only move one state at a time. We are finally home owners. For all those that went to BYU-Idaho and want to go back for a visit, you are always welcome. Of course any one is welcome to come visit.

I am now the operations manager at the local mall. It is kinda of weird because the people I supervise are both 3 times my age. They are very experience and knowledgeable about the mall, which has been very helpful. I am also working part time at Home Depot.

By the way, for those who have not heard yet, we are expecting a boy in August. Both Macay and Kyla are excited to have a baby brother.

Well I think that is all for now.
W e miss having all of you close by for game nights.

Take care
Jeffrey Mitchell

1 comment:

Apple iPods said...

very nice