Tuesday, April 8, 2008

*Kayla comes over to join the kids at the cool table!*

I'm so excited that we can all get together (albeit virtually)! I'm so bad at keeping in touch with people and I figured this would be a fabulous way for all of us to keep in contact with our Texas roots! We're doing pretty good here in Utah. I'm working as a storyteller at the Provo Library, Brice is attending UVSC full-time, Genna's 5 and in Kindergarten, Melena is 4 and fun, and last but not least, Brennan is 18 months and starting nursery on Sunday! Here's a big WOO-HOO for the nursery!!!

I sure miss being in Texas. It snowed yesterday and I nearly puked because I'm so sick of winter and cold! grrr... I'm excited to hear what's new with everyone else! (Be sure to send Ashley e-mail addresses of any former Mormon Acre-ites that you might have!)

P.S. My family blog is private so if you'd like to see it let me know and I'll invite you!


Melissa said...

OK, could your kids look any more like you? I think not.

Didn't know y'all were up this way again. We'll have to get together sometime.

Melissa said...

Also, your "cool table" heading made me laugh, because it made me thing of eighth grade, back when you and Drea had long hair and I had short hair and Sunny Delight was all the entertainment we needed for our half-hour lunch. Good times.